Paine Pacific, LLC - Medical Device Investment Opportunity

Aug 10, 2022

Heart Failure Management System

A standalone medical device company focused on the management of heart failure and part of the projected $76.52B dollar global cardiovascular device market. Our client has received FDA Breakthrough Designation for their device with validated technology and clinical proof of improving patient outcomes.

The company's noninvasive heart monitoring device serves the at-home monitoring market providing remote access to data for assessing risk factors and allowing users to interact with medical professionals with critical real time information. This transfer of key data helps healthcare providers drive better patient outcomes through accurate and timely adjustments to medications, additional follow-on therapies and ultimately reduced hospital visits.

Client is looking for an investor or strategic partner to complete clinical trials and launch the product to the world markets.

Industry: Medical, Cardiovascular Device Market
Revenue: $1.5M 2021 (licensing)
EBITDA: $500K 2021

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Paine Pacific

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Paine Pacific

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Paine Pacific